Cover Story Sidebar: A quick look at the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus

The healthcare district has made quite a turnaround and revitalized a portion of the city

These days, the bustling 120-acre Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus (BNMC) just outside of downtown Buffalo, N.Y., is a fine example of how healthcare can revitalize a community and, for that matter, a city. According to some local reports, the area that now encompasses the medical district was once showing its age and reflected Buffalo’s decades-long, slow decline from its days as an industrial juggernaut. Besides Buffalo General Hospital and other medical facilities, parts of what is now the BNMC included shuttered warehouses, weed-infested parking lots strewn with trash and aging housing structures. A local publication wrote that the area was, “in short, 20 square blocks that fit right in to the rest of Buffalo.” And even though some of the major health systems and institutions in the area had for years collaborated with each other in regard to patient care and medical research, there were no coordinated efforts concerning real estate and infrastructure.

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