Publisher’s Letter: MOB defies recession


By, Murray W. Wolf, Publisher

Dear Reader:

Those of you who have been reading these letters for the past eight years or so have been subjected to periodic updates on the Wolf clan, our misadventures in healthcare – and my reaction from a real estate perspective to our experiences in various healthcare facilities.


As you might recall, my wife and I have a daughter, as well as two teenage boys with a taste for extreme sports. That has resulted in numerous trips to healthcare facilities throughout the Minneapolis-St. Paul area in recent years for injuries that have included a concussion, a sprained MCL, a cracked hip, a large gash in a forearm, a cut in a forehead, the unfortunate meeting of a thumb and an electric hedge trimmer, and various other sprains, strains, cuts and bruises. Fortunately, none of these injuries was life threatening and everyone has enjoyed a full recovery (so far).

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