Registration is now open for the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Spring Meeting, which will take place at the Hilton Americas Houston on May 13-14, 2015. The meeting, which will focus on creative community building for the 21st century, will include an emphasis on communities that have built on their strengths in the post-recession years to be economically prosperous, environmentally sound and highly livable.
Request your complimentary press pass today!
Keynoters for the event, which will include an emphasis on creative community building for the 21st century, are Richard Kinder, chairman and chief executive officer of the energy pipeline company Kinder Morgan; James A. Baker III, former federal government dignitary and chairman of Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy; and ULI benefactor Gerald D. Hines, chairman of the global real estate firm Hines, which is based in Houston.
Another highlight of the meeting will be a town hall session, moderated by former U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Henry Cisneros, which will explore findings from two new ULI surveys — Generation Y and Housing and America in 2015 – both follow-ups to previous ULI reports. Cisneros will lead a discussion that will include the timely topic of how the surge of Millennials entering the housing and jobs markets will change urban development.
In addition to these three main sessions, the meeting will include an emphasis on communities that, like Houston, have built on their strengths in the post-recession years to be economically prosperous, environmentally sound and highly livable. Twelve mobile tours are planned to provide attendees with behind-the-scenes access to Houston’s most innovative developments.
The annual Spring Meeting routinely draws nearly 3,000 members and guests, including internationally renowned land use experts representing all land use disciplines. The meeting’s real estate sessions are renowned for providing journalists with the most timely and relevant analyses of where the industry is heading, offering unprecedented access to some of the globe’s most influential real estate leaders. The programming will focus on industry topics, including:
Building Healthy Places
Capital Markets
Demographics and Development Influencers
Trends in Retail Development
Real Estate Development Deals
Resiliency and Climate Change
Global Markets and Innovation
Industry Product/Market Trends
Policy: Housing, Infrastructure and Planning
Click here for a full schedule of the Spring Meeting.
This ULI meeting, open to Institute full members and the media, brings together the top thought leaders and practitioners for candid discussions about what works, what doesn’t, and what’s next for the industry. Join us in Houston to hear prominent guest speakers, knowledgeable panelists, and attend content-rich real estate sessions. Request your complimentary press pass today!
Attendees with a press pass enjoy many benefits, including:
Entry to all concurrent sessions and keynote addresses
Access to the most influential leaders in real estate
Access to the ULI Press Room, stocked with beverages/snacks and equipped with complimentary high speed Wi-Fi
Press passes do NOT guarantee access to Spring Meeting mobile tours. To request a ticket for an individual tour, please contact
NOTE TO REPORTERS AND EDITORS: Registration is free to members of the media; to register, please fill out this brief online press registration FORM.
About the Urban Land Institute:
The Urban Land Institute ( is a global nonprofit education and research institute supported by its members. Its mission is to provide leadership in the responsible use of land and in sustaining and creating thriving communities worldwide. Established in 1936, the Institute has over 34,000 members representing all aspects of land use and development disciplines.
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