Publisher’s Letter (June 2006)


HREIannounces Webinar series


Dear Reader:

During the past two years, HREI™ has presented occasional educational audio conferences on a range of healthcare real estate topics, including third-party medical office building (MOB) development and ownership, healthcare facilities financing, and legal and regulatory issues affecting medical real estate. These audio conferences have been very popular – we still get orders for the CD recording of the “Third-Party MOB Development and Ownership” audio conference that we did two years ago.

Now, we plan to take that to the next level. I am pleased to announce that HREI™ will be presenting a series of “Webinars” this fall on healthcare real estate topics. (If you’re not familiar with Webinars, it’s a technology that moves a step beyond audio conferences. You can still dial in to listen to the audio, but you also log into a Web site to view synchronized presentation graphics.)

Our planned Webinar schedule and topics are:

■  Third-Party Development of MOBs (Wednesday, Sept. 20)

■  Monetizations/Third-Party Acquisitions of MOBs (Wednesday, Oct. 4)

■  Healthcare Real Estate Financing (Wednesday, Oct. 25)

■  Physician Investment in Medical Real Estate (Wednesday, Nov. 15)

■  We might also do an early December or mid-January Webinar on healthcare real estate trends.

Each of these educational sessions will target a paid audience of hospital and health system executives, presenting information from their perspective. Included will be ideas on what to consider when working with third-party developers or investors, the latest in healthcare real estate financing strategies, how to structure physician investment, and so on.

These online events will be 90 minutes long, and will be accessed live or archived after the event. They will also be available as a CD-ROM, with the audio and graphics included.

We will have three paid sponsor/presenters per event. The sponsorship fee will include:

■  The opportunity to demonstrate that your organization is an industry expert by being one of three presenters during the Webinar

■  10 VIP passes (complementary registrations) to give to your best clients and prospects

■  Additional complementary registrations available to sponsors for half price

■  Contact information for all additional paid registrants

■  Prominent inclusion in pre- and post-event marketing, including public relations (news releases), direct mail, email and ads in our sister publication, HREI™ Executive Briefing™, which is distributed to more than 3,000 hospital and health system executives every month.

■  Pre- and post-event editorial coverage in HREI™ and HREI™ Executive Briefing™

■  Sponsor logos and links on our Web site

■  Copies of the event on CD-ROM

■  Complete transcripts of the Webinars

Discounts will be available for sponsoring multiple sessions and/or taking sole sponsorship of a single session.

Additional information about the HREI™ Fall 2006 Online Conference Series will be sent to all of our subscribers in the near future. I encourage you take a look and consider how these Webinars might enhance your firm’s marketing efforts this fall. If you would like more information, please contact me at (952) 746-4405.

Murray W. Wolf, Publisher

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