Publisher’s Letter (May 2006)
Tired of being the whipping boy BUILDING BOOM IS NOT TO BLAME FOR RISING HEALTHCARE COSTS Dear Reader: As the healthcare building boom has continued in recent years, and as Healthcare Real Estate Insights™ has become better known, we have received an increasing number of interview requests from the media. Just so far this year, […]
Special Focus: Physician Investment (May 2006)
A growing piece of the MOB pie MORE AND MORE PHYSICIANS FIND EQUITY DEALS ATTRACTIVE By Jessica Griffith Medical office developers began offering doctors a share of real estate profits more than two decades ago. For most of those 20 years, the practice of having physicians involved in the ownership of medical office […]
Project Case Study: Alexian (May 2006)
Equity option boosts Chicago-area MOBs PHYSICIAN INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY HELPS TO FILL TWO NEW NEXCORE BUILDINGS By Jessica Griffith A pair of new medical office buildings (MOBs) will complement expansions at two hospitals owned by Alexian Brothers Health System in suburban Chicago. Denver-based NexCore Group developed the buildings and as part of the package, […]
Inpatient Projects (May 2006)
Report calls for new hospital for New Orleans CONSULTANT ALSO MAKES CASE FOR REVAMPING LOUISIANA HEALTHCARE SYSTEM By John Mugford BATON ROUGE, La. – Even before Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast region last August, LSU Healthcare Services had considered building a single replacement facility for the aging Charity and University hospitals in downtown […]
News and Analysis (May 2006)
New player makes jump to MOBs MONTECITO, KNOWN FOR RESIDENTIAL CONDOS, ACQUIRES 14 BUILDINGS By John Mugford Jacksonville, Fla.-based Montecito Property Co. LLC has become quite a significant player in the residential condo-conversion industry, in which it buys multifamily properties and turns them into upscale condominiums. “Significant” could be considered an understatement, as the […]
Industry Pulse (May 2006)
CHICAGO – Children’s Memorial Hospital of Chicago recently announced plans for a $750 million, 275-bed replacement hospital at a new location. Plans call for construction of the new hospital in downtown Chicago at a site near Northwestern Memorial Hospital. The provider’s current campus on the city’s north side is slated for sale to developers. Construction […]
Company Profile: Faulkner Real Estate (May 2006)
Staking a bigger claim in medical office FAULKNER REAL ESTATE LOOKS TO ACQUIRE, DEVELOP $100 MILLION ANNUALLY By Jessica Griffith Fred Faulkner thought his years of experience as a developer of Class A office buildings would transfer easily to the medical office market. “I thought it would be something like Coke introducing Diet Coke; […]